They say, "Life is like a wheel", sometimes you're up, then most often than not, when you're up, there's nowhere else to go but down.
3 days ago my Google account was disabled, for invalid clicks and what nots. Of course this ufortunate incident may very well have been caused by readers who were passing their time surfing the net, clicking ads separately yet coming back to my site for reference. I assure you, I never hired a roomful of people from India or South Korea to click on my Google ads.
Most of my site's traffic come from Google search and it would have been nice if Google at least would give me a better chance at an appeal. Not just a link to an appeal form that would get lost among the millions who shared my plight.
I refused to be saddened by the loss of my Adsense account, and like an answer from heaven I got an email from the Pepperjam Network informing me that they were taking me on as an affiliate. I have read from hundreds of SEO and blog sites, all saying it is never wise to put all your eggs in one basket. I guess if Adsense decides against my appeal then I would have to move on. My Chitika ads would have to tide me over as well.
The grief I suffer now however does not come from the loss of my Adsense earnings. When my account got disabled I decided it was time for a revamp. Perhaps a 3 or 4 column webpage would be nice so I started to get to work. I did everything by the book, downloading a copy of my HTML from my Blogger account in case it all doesn't work out. Imagine my horror, when I found that because of the apparent site revamp, I seem to have lost my Google page ranks. I tried to upload my old HTML but all Blogger did was give me an Error message with no links to help me. No one to go to for help. NOTHING. NADA. KAPUT.
Losing my Google Page Ranks was tough, to say the least. Everyday, I would painstakingly submit my sitemaps to Webmaster tools just to help them crawl my site. The amount of time I spent building my site was a huge sacrifice considering that I'm a full time Instructor handling Microbiology, Pharmacology and Nutrition.
I wish there was some way for me to get off this effing wheel. When you've had your downs, is there no other way but up? Really would appreciate comments. Thanks.
AHA, I now understand why I may have lost my page rank standings to my site. Well I will need to revamp my webpage further. I'm sorry you lost your google adsense acct. I've never been in a big hurry to get that, but maybe I should. I can see that you have traffic from all over the world! How very cool. Good luck.